Your must-read diversity book

5 Jun

Here’s a question for you: what kind of book about diversity would you want to read? Even better: what kind of book about diversity would you be excited to read?

I ask because I’m considering what kind of book about diversity I want to write. (Hence, this experiment in blogging.)

Here are some things I find important and enjoyable to talk about when I talk about diversity:

  • human development: how people perceive and make meaning of identity and diversity, starting in infancy and continuing through the difference-mute years of adulthood
  • multicultural 911s: those experiences and interactions when we’re not sure what to say or do regarding identity, culture and diversity
  • everyday bias and discrimination: the default and tolerated forms of prejudice that nice, fair-minded people permit and enable because we’re unaware, in denial or just not sure how to stand up
  • everyday tools for inclusion and equity: small things we can all do to align our best intentions and habitual actions

And I think all of this is most interesting grounded in real stuff that happens to and around us.

Would love to hear any thoughts you might have about the diversity book you’re looking forward to reading.

One Response to “Your must-read diversity book”

  1. Laura@Public Allies July 30, 2012 at 8:14 am #

    Great! I saved this blog post in my inbox until I had time to catch up on my life… I’d like to see a book about how we DO diversity. It would include much of the above- especially the human identity development piece to start with- but also a piece on why doing diversity well in the coming century is key, and then the how piece: How can we can do diversity well (versus doing it poorly, apathetically, just letting it happen, etc… as we often do now!). I love reading your work… truly it’s the one thing I open every time 🙂 Happy writing.

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